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Couple on a Run

Gearing up

for your

physical fitness

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Exercise is Medicine Student Exercise Trainer Course

We are looking for young and energetic students to help out HKU students and Hong Kong wider community who have suffered from COVID-19 diagnosis or have had negative physical and mental health effects due to lack of physical activity during COVID-19 pandemic measures. Theoretical and practical training will be provided to equip young volunteers with the knowledge and confidence to provide health and fitness advice to these at risk groups.

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Gearing up @ home

Online Zoom Exercise Sessions with Free Equipment

To promote health and fitness among students during COVID 19, where social distancing has become the new norm and most people are encouraged to stay at home, we are excited to announce a series of single-session FREE* online exercise workshops for students to enjoy at home.

​What’s more is that equipment will be provided FREE of charge for you to use in the comfort of your own home to help you keep up with being physically activity.

*Join For Free (Students Only)

Each student will be entitled to ONE free session after completing the Student Wellness Self-Assessment under our Free Student Exercise Referral Scheme (Students who have already redeemed their FREE session are not eligible to enroll for this series). 

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HKU MoveWell App

The HKU MoveWell App allows users to target information related to their own health and wellness journey that would include, 

(1) Exercise suggestions

(2) Health & fitness tracking

(3) Wellness Self-assessment

(4) Advice on regaining fitness after COVID-19

 Check out the introductory video HERE

Exercise Medical Referral Scheme

This Exercise Medical Referral Scheme aims to increase students' awareness of personal health and encourage active healthy lifestyles through exercise incentives, personal guidance, and referral support among HKU professionals.

Under this scheme, the physical activity level of those visiting the UHS clinic or the CEDARS counselling services are assessed as a vital sign. Students in need of more exercise opportunities could then be appropriately referred to the professional care and supervision they need.

Exercise is Medicine (EIM) Month

Exercise is Medicine on Campus is designed to engage students to improve physical fitness, health and wellness across campus. The initiative includes health assessments and knowledge sharing sessions throughout the year, as well as recruitment of student Health Ambassadors who will support in the EIM on Campus events.

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